The Door and Window Experts Website is frequently contacted by people looking for Monarch Windows replacement parts. One of the most popular enquiries is about the Monarch Monaframe Windows that were supplied for nearly 20 years in the home improvement market.

The Monarch aluminium window, Monaframe door and Monaframe aluminium patio door were the most successful aluminium window and door products of their time. This was at a time when PVCu dominated the home improvement market, with Monarch Aluminium at the forefront in providing aluminium with thermally insulated and direct fix windows and doors.
Monarch Aluminium Windows and doors are still functioning perfectly today after more than 20 years
With many aluminium systems at the time providing basic, non-thermal and not-that-sophisticated aluminium door and window systems, Monarch aluminium windows offered a thermal break, a choice of direct fix or wood fix profiles and complemented by an excellent range of ancillary sections to create bay windows, feature windows and much more.
However, as with all products utilising moving parts, some of these Monarch windows are reported as having failing locking systems and failing handles, with customers being advised that new windows are now required. But is this the case?
What Monarch Windows Replacement Parts are in the highest demand?
During the lifetime of the product, there were several enhancements to the locking system carried out by Monarch Aluminium with the Monalok, Monalok 1 and Monalok 2 hardware being introduced. This introduction of improved locking systems is not to be criticised, as, like any manufacturer, products are enhanced and made better during their lifetime.
What we do know is that the replacement of locks to old Monarch windows is a problem owing to the age of the product, the changes in the product that occurred over the years and the general lack of replacement parts.
It is impossible to replace the Monalok espagnolette hardware with the newer Monalok 1 or Monalok 2 versions, and much of this hardware has been discontinued completely.
So what can you do to repair locking systems to old Monarch Windows?
Our recent article about replacement parts for older aluminium windows offers some general advice, and the companies we list below may be able to help.
It is also well worth finding in your local area an experienced window and door maintenance company and get them to have a look at your windows. Many of these businesses will have previously serviced Monarch windows and will also be well-placed to give you honest advice.
Given the popularity of Monarch windows for nearly two decades, any issues with these windows are known to experienced companies, and they may know of newer locking systems that fit the original machining slots of your monarch windows.
Will you ultimately need to replace your windows?
It is unfortunate when windows that are otherwise performing quite well need replacement parts that are no longer available but these changes are mainly due to improvements in the window products over the years as well as changes in legislation. These changes have forced systems companies to introduce new products to meet ever-changing legislation rendering older systems that are still functioning and performing perfectly well obsolete.
Obviously, many of these windows will now be outside their original 10-year guarantee, and you may find yourself in a position of having to replace your windows.
What is the current situation for replacement parts for Monaframe Windows?
It is important to remember that window products and their hardware are ever-changing. Window companies are entirely reliant upon information from the systems companies that developed the product about changes and what hardware items may be available.
Presently, hardware for Monarch Windows or Monaframe Windows is very hard to obtain, if at all. For Monarch Windows fitted with Monalok handles and locking systems all of these appear to have been discontinued, and our website has been unable to find stockists that hold this hardware.
For Monaframe windows fitted with Saracen handles, you may be able to find a fabricator of old Monarch Windows that may have some stock of replacement parts.
For the Monarch patio and entrance doors, we understand that no further parts are available from SAPA Building Systems, but some online hardware companies have similar products that may retrofit/replace the original locks or handles.
Update June 2023.
Since we wrote this article, we have had a substantial number of enquiries from people seeking help with broken or faulty locks and handles on their Monarch Monaframe doors and windows. We would firstly advise as we mention to try to employ the services of a double glazing repair firm. We would also suggest you contact the companies below that may be able to point you in the right direction. The trade uses these hardware companies to buy door and window hardware, so they may not necessarily deal with the general public. However, it may be worth contacting in any case, as they can probably provide a local stockist for existing parts.
We have also managed to locate JCP Hardware, which should have Saracen lock parts. You can also try:
- Building Profiles
- DG Supplyline Ltd.
- Duffells Ltd.
- 247 Guardian.
- The Handle Store.
We hope this article is helpful. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’ve any questions or need further information.