Bowater architectural has been established for a number of years in the UK market and now concentrates on energy efficient fenestration products comprising aluminium and pvcu extrusions. The company has two well respected high thermal systems targeted at the specification, fabrication and commercial markets.
Bowater Architectural Product Range
System 10 Aluminium
A new aluminium system that provides exceptional thermal properties utilising aluminium external profiles, special foam filled thermal inserts and plastic extrusion to the inner face. Claimed to be more cost effective than traditional alumnium systems it also achieves an excellent 1.4Wm2K right down to 0.7Wm2K
System 10 Curtain Walling
Meets the needs of commercial refurbishment with a curtain walling suite of excellent thermal efficiency and easy fabrication and installation.
For further information on any of the Bowater Architectural products listed below please contact us.