Comar 10 Passivhaus Window – Energy Efficiency

For homeowners looking for an aluminium window with the highest standards of innovation and energy efficiency, there is the Comar 10 Passivhaus window.

As building design becomes ever more complicated, there are greater demands for more energy-efficient windows. For anyone looking for a superlative and highly advanced aluminium window, certified by the Passivhaus Institute, Comar 10 provides a solution.

comar 10 passivhaus window

Passivhaus certified aluminium windows.

Many homeowners assume that Passivhaus windows are only for the latest ecological and energy-saving homes. Nothing is stopping an energy-conscious homeowner from fitting the latest Passivhaus windows either as a part of a new extension or when replacing their old windows.

This highly advanced and ‘warm’ aluminium window is suitable for old or new buildings, keeping the home warmer, more comfortable and reducing heating costs by an impressive margin.

The Passivhaus certified window from Comar provides U-Values as low as 0.66Wm2K.

As well as being a highly sophisticated insulated aluminium window, it is also remarkably simple to make. Comar’s aluminium Passivhaus window slashes traditional window manufacturing times saving both manufacturers and homeowners money.

At the same time, Comar Passivhaus windows provide modern design as well as a versatile aluminium window in a choice of styles and designs.  The Comar 10 Passivhaus forms part of the Comar range of aluminium windows.

eco passivhaus windows
Comar passivhaus windows feature groundbreaking design, performance and set new standards for aluminium windows.

Features of the Comar 10 Passivhaus Window.

  • A future-proof and groundbreaking window in aluminium.
  • A sophisticated fixed or inward opening tilt and turn window.
  • Officially certified for cool temperature areas by Passivhaus.
  • 90mm deep outer frames providing the finest in thermal performance.
  • All the low maintenance and colour advantages of aluminium for the home.

Cutting-edge, high-performance aluminium windows.

In choosing a Passivhaus window, homeowners not only benefit from a window with superior thermal efficiency but also a window with the most advanced manufacturing processes.

The corner construction of the Comar 10 window features a unique Slot and Click corner cleat arrangement giving better window joint alignment and smoother window edges. Fabricators keep window prices competitive as less manufacturing time, and no specialist aluminium tooling or equipment is required.

Inside the window frames is a very sophisticated thermal break that is solid throughout the entire aluminium section. This thermal break also has the polyamide thermal strips that further improve window frame performance while also creating a very rigid window.

Window corners benefit from hermetic sealing, full surface adhesion and excellent aesthetics when viewed from inside or outside.

The excellent thermal break not to be found on other aluminium windows also benefits from window gasket ports that are integral with the frame. These integral gasket ports create slimmer gasket lines, better manufacturing and better thermal insulation.

As you would expect from such a unique aluminium window, it is 100% recyclable with long service life.

If you would like further information about Comar Passivhaus windows, please contact us.

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